
List of resources compiled by the Banana Slugs to help them graduate from Dev Bootcamp.

Project maintained by menor Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Remember that you can fork this repo to and update it if you've already forked it, here's an explanation, you can also send me pull requests if you add some resource on your fork and want that replicated on this original one.


A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

6 Best Books for Learning or Advancing your Ruby Knowledge keep them by your nightstand.


Using Ruby blocks and running your own iterators Ruby Blocks in depth.

The Strange Ruby Splat Having fun with the splat operator.


Omniref is a comprehensive Ruby Documentation search engine. You can also access its table of contents.

Ruby Rogues an interesting Ruby Podcast, some great episodes like this one on how we learn or this other one about pair programming.

RubyTapas 'Short screencasts of Gourmet Ruby' it costs $9 a month but has some free and you get access to everything while you are subscribed. I think it's worth it.

Ruby5 is another Ruby podcast you should listen to.


HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript(on the browser), typography...


Emmet Once you know how to code vanilla HTML, try Emmet for a couple of hours and get the same feeling you got when they removed the training wheels from your bike. Check the plugin for Sublime.

7 Emmet tips As they say awesome time-saving tips for those of you using Emmet.

Performance Optimization

Web Performance Best Practices Google developers best practices to make your sites fast.


Typography on the web it is a little outdated regarding css techniques, but its advice on typographic style and best practices are gold.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices.

Choosing a Responsive Image Solution Article explaining the options available (July 2013) for making images in our websites flexible.

Design Process

Articles about great software & product design, slugs learn a lot from watching how talented people work.

Awakenings: An Android Design Process Incredible amount of care and craft put into a "simple" alarm clock app.

Rebuilding 8 Faces How Paravel redesigned 8 faces to make it responsive.


Javascript importance deserves its own section, with Blackjack and er, well, you know...

Javascript Patterns Collection Compiles best patterns for writing Javascript and jQuery.


Guard is frontend developer best friend, it checks website folders for changes and automatically refresh the browser for you. You don't need to be using Sass or Coffeescript to benefit from Guard, it also works with HTML and vanilla CSS. Here's a 10 minute video that teaches how to install and use it.

ImageOptim optimizes images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations. You can also run it from the command line

Responsive Calculator Turns pixels into percentages, also works with margins.

SouthStreet Progressive Enhancement Workflow SouthStreet is a set of tools that combine to form the core of a progressive enhancement workflow developed at Filament Group. Here are some notes about how to use it.

FitWeird is a bookmarklet that helps you add breakpoints when things get weird. It's about as dumb as it gets. Resize your window, it tells you dimensions in PX and EM.

Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools Get the most of your developer tools in Chrome, Firebug, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.

Sublime Text Plugins

Color Pick is a color picker for Sublime Text.

Sublime SFTP is a commercial plugin (with unrestricted trial, but pay if you use it) for managing FTP related stuff from the comfort of Sublime sidebar.

Emmet for Sublime Allows you to code HTML the Emmet style in Sublime.

Gist for Sublime A Sublime Text 2 plugin for creating and editing Gists.

Other Stuff


Git is a distributed version control and source code management system with an emphasis on speed. Basically is what a lot of people use to collaborate on writing code together.

Git - The Simple Guide by Roger Dudler. Great guide to start using Git in 5 minutes. Includes links to more guides and resources

Git Cheatsheet A useful interactive Git cheatsheet that lists lot of commands.

7 Useful Git Tips for Beginners Is better than seven tips, is a guide to get you used to use git.

Git Tutorials & Workflows Excellent tutorials on using git for project management.


Cry in the Dojo, laugh in the battlefield.

RegEx Golf is a game to practice your RegEx.

RegEx Crossword is another game to improve your Regular Expressions knowledge.

Code Combat Learn to code Javascript by playing a game.

Object Oriented Design

Object-oriented design is the process of planning a system of interacting objects for the purpose of solving a software problem. It is one approach to software design.

How I explained OOD to my wife The basics of OO Design explained in layman's terms, great introduction to the subject.

Uncle Bob's Principles of OOD A little more in-depth explanation of the SOLID principles, be sure to check the PDFs the author links from the tables.


Markdown is a super simple way to add formatting like headers, bold, bulleted lists, and so on to plain text. It was originally designed to be an easy alternative to HTML, and allows people to create web pages with no HTML experience—but it's also a great way to organize notes, to-do lists, and other things. It has all the advantages of plain text, but with the organizational power of a word processor.

What is Markdown Great introduction from Lifehacker about what is Markdown and what can you use it for.

Markdown Tutorial is a complete interactive tutorial for learning Markdown

Lifestyle and Programming Advice

Dead people can't program.

How to be a Programmer Advice for beginners, intermediate and advanced programmers.

Setting Up a Mac Dev Machine For Banana Slugs living in apples.

How to blog about code and give zero fucks Pretty self explanatory title.

Command Line

Conquering the Command Line A curated introduction to the Linux command line. The online version is free and a great reference guide.

Slug's Culture

Everything related to the Banana Slugs: Blogs fom slugs, achievements, nobel prizes won by Slugs, detritus recipes for a perfect Super Bowl party....

Bslugs A page created by @Quentin that plans to compile everything Banana Slug